Be Prepared for Your Baby’s First Winter; A Guide to Baby Winter Gear

Changing weather brings new festivals and fresh air to your surroundings. The arrival of winter means holidays, snow, and hot chocolates to warm up the hearts. It is very important for both adults and babies to dress up according to the weather. However, if it is your baby’s first winter, you should be extra careful to make sure that he is nice and warm.


If you are a new parent, then this sudden change in weather might be causing a stir for you too. Well, fret no longer. Because in this blog, we will tell you all about preparing for your baby's first-ever winter. Consider a comprehensive guide to your baby's winter gear


Since newborns don't yet have the ability to self-regulate their temperature, it is important to dress your baby up in layers. While outside air is probably healthy for your baby and helps him get acclimated, you should not take your baby out when the temperature falls below freezing. And even when the temperature is above freezing, wind chills can be really dangerous for your baby.


You should keep in mind that infants lose heat quicker than adults. Especially newborn babies don't have the ability to cope with the extreme cold. This is because younger babies cannot increase their body heat by shivering. They also lack the fat that can help them gain the heat back once they get cold.


So here are some solid clothing tips to keep your baby warm during winters.


1- Throw Some Layers

It is very important to dress your baby in layers to protect him or her from the cold. The bottom layers should be something snug. It is okay to put a legging or a bodysuit on your bottom layer. Then you can proceed to add a second layer. You can throw a pant and a long-sleeved shirt on top of your jumpsuit. Then finish up by adding the jacket to keep your baby extra warm. Also don't forget to add a hat, some cute mittens, and warm booties.


Babies lose a lot of heat through their heads. Therefore it is extremely important to keep them not only covered but warm during the cold weather. The mittens and booties will keep your baby's hands and feet warm not letting any cold reach his body. Layers are important because it is easy to remove layers if your baby is feeling too hot. You can simply remove one layer if your baby feels sweaty and add one if it is too cold for me. Dressing your baby in layers is very convenient for parents and is great when you are traveling outside.

2- Lose the Layers in the Car

Yes, we know! Telling you to dress your baby in layers and then immediately telling the opposite looks counterintuitive. But it is very important to know that you should always remove the bulky layers when your baby is in the car seat. The jacket and its material can cause the harness of the car seat to fit improperly. This can put your baby's life in danger. Child traveling experts also advise ditching the jacket once you put your place in the car seat.


3- Wear Your Baby

The best way to keep your newborn safe and warm in the cold is to keep him close to your body. Your body heat can give your baby that extra coziness and peace. Baby carriers are great to let your baby snuggle close to you. This doesn’t only keep your baby warm but it also helps him relax and sleep well. At the time, both of you will benefit from the body heat and stay warm and cuddled.


Wearing your baby also allows you to closely monitor and feel your baby's temperature at all times. You will be very close to your baby and can sense when he is uncomfortable or feeling cold. However, if you are wearing your baby in a backpack carrier then he probably will not need that extra layer. So make sure that it is not too muggy or hot inside the baby carrier.


Also, make sure that your baby's face is not completely buried into the carrier on your shoulders so that his airways will not be blocked. Front-facing out carrying is always effective. It lets your baby interact with the surroundings while keeping him warm and safe close to you.

4- Don’t Throw a Blanket over Your Stroller

Most parents don’t pay any attention to it but it is very important to be extra careful when you are trying to warm your baby inside a stroller. Most people throw blankets and heavy covers over the stroller, which is extremely against the safety guidelines. Your baby should get enough air circulation inside the stroller and a heavy blanket can stop it.


If you want to keep your baby warm in a stroller when you are traveling outside, then you should just dress up your baby in some warm clothes, hats, and mittens. Tuck your baby halfway inside the blanket. Make sure that the blanket reaches his mid-waist. Keep checking up on your baby to see if he is turning red or showing any signs of discomfort. The best way to protect your baby from cold is to keep observing him.


A word from Acrabros

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