6 Reasons Why Your Baby Is Crying

Are you constantly dealing with a crying and nagging baby, but don't know exactly what's bothering them? Here's are 6 reasons why your baby might be crying and asking for attention.
Understanding the language of babies is an art, and parents need to master this art in order to communicate with their little ones. If you are a parent to a newborn, you must know what their main communication tool is: Crying!
Your babies are completely dependent on you for care, love, warmth, and food. Whenever they are crying, they may be trying to communicate their needs to you. They may be hungry or asking for a diaper change, who knows, right? You can never know for sure what your little one is asking for, but you can try your guess and help them out.
Need help understanding why your baby is crying? Here are 6 reasons why babies usually cry and ask for your attention.
1. Hunger
Babies, especially newborn babies usually cry when they are hungry. Their stomach is small, and they can't hold a lot of food at once. So, they need feeding every 2-3 hours. The younger your baby is, the more likely she is crying because of hunger.
If your baby is on-breast feed, offer them your breast after every 2-3 hours. You may need to feed even if her last feeding was not too long ago. Don't worry about over-feeding your child, as your baby will let you know when she is done by leaving your breast and looking content.
If your baby is on a formula diet, your baby will remain content and settled for at least two hours. Every baby behaves differently. Some babies prefer large portions of formula, while others prefer drinking bottled milk little and often.
If your baby is crying due to hunger, they may not immediately stop crying after you offer them milk, but you should keep feeding if they want to.
2. Wet or Dirty Diaper
Another reason why your baby might be crying is because of a wet or dirty diaper. There's no doubt that babies are adorable, but they pee and poo a lot, so it's not uncommon for your baby to have a dirty diaper when she is crying. A wet or dirty diaper can make babies irritated, uncomfortable, and upset, and they express themselves by crying.
Make sure that your baby has a dry and clean diaper. A wet or dirty diaper can lead to infections and rashes. Hurry to clean your baby's diaper, especially if it has a stool in it. The smell can immediately indicate to parents about the stool, and it's a sign that your little one's diaper needs to change. It is recommended that you change your baby's diaper every 2-3 hours if you don't want to hear them crying their lungs out.
Some diapers even have an indicator strip that changes color when the baby poops or pees. This can help parents know that it’s time for a diaper change.
3. Colic and Gas
Tummy issues such as colic and gas can make babies cry unstoppably and uncontrollably. These conditions can lead to your baby crying for 3 hours straight in a day. And when babies start crying like that, nothing can console them.
If your baby often cries after being fed, she might be suffering from some kind of stomach pain. While many parents use over-the-medications and gripe water to treat baby gas, it's not advisable to use any of these before asking your baby's doctor.
Instead of using a medication, a gentle exercise is recommended that can free babies off the gas. Lay them down on their back and paddle their feet in a slow bicycling motion.
4. Temperature Issues
One common reason why your baby might be crying is that she is too hot or too cold. Wrapping your baby with too many clothes during winter and keeping them naked during summer isn’t effective parenting. You need to check your baby’s temperature often to know how they are feeling.
Check your baby's tummy or the back of their neck to know how they are feeling. Even if your baby's fingers feel cold but their neck and tummy are warm, your little one is doing okay.
Always keep the temperature of your baby’s room between 17-21 degrees C.
5. Your Baby Needs Rest
When babies are tired and want to go to sleep, they often can’t do that easily and want your help.
It seems that babies simply nod off and go to sleep when they are tired. But in reality, babies fuss and make a whole scene when they are over-exhausted, instead of simply going to sleep.
Whenever your baby starts crying after being played and fed, know that she is exhausted. A warm embrace, low lights, and white noise can immediately put your overtired, crying baby to sleep.
6. Your Baby Isn’t Well
If your baby is constantly crying in a different pitch or tone, this may be a sign that she is unwell. When babies are sick or unwell, they cry differently—like more continually, urgently, and in a different sound.
If your baby is used to crying and is quiet for some time, this may also indicate that your little one is unwell. If you feel something off about your baby, contact your healthcare provider immediately and discuss your concerns with them.
The Takeaway
Babies are trickier to handle and understand, and parents are always in need of support, especially when they have a newborn. Among other aspects of life, driving also becomes tiresome for parents who are unable to soothe their crying babies while being in the driver's seat.
ACRACBROS has understood this concern and designed infant baby car seat covers to make your babies relaxed and settled during a car ride. Just put this cover on your baby's car seat and give them a snug and comfortable environment. These covers are safe, environment friendly, and just what you and your baby need.
Visit our website now and check our high-quality, multi-functional baby car seat covers to make your life easier.